Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Hannah!

Hannah's birthday this year turned into an all day birthday extravaganza! We spent Saturday celebrating Hannah and enjoying spending time together as a family. We kicked the day off with pumpkin pancakes. They were delicious, though the kiddos didn't love them. Maddie ate an entire one by herself though! After breakfast she opened her presents and enjoyed playing with the loot.

After a nap for the littlest one, we headed off down the boardwalk for the aquarium. It is about a 20 minute stroll from our house and is pretty impressive! We let Hannah pick the activity for the day, and this was her first choice. The girls LOVE the penguins. Emily's little balloon headband proved to be quite the tease for the penguins who followed her up and down the tank pecking at the reflection. Maybe it was almost feeding time?

After the aquarium, we walked back home along the boardwalk and let the girls play in the waves. We should have known a little ocean splashing would lead to all out soaking by the end! Our girls love the ocean! It was a beautiful day and the beach was empty.

As we were getting ready to leave this man wanted to pose with the girls for a picture. Hannah gets a bit shy and doesn't love these things, but Emily is always willing to ham it up for the camera. I love being in Asia where people go to the beach and just want pictures with our fair kids!

Finally we ordered pizza for dinner and celebrated with a Little Einsteins themed cake. This cake, oh this cake! I was nervous it wasn't going to come together, but I think it turned out pretty well! The immense amount of red food coloring didn't make the frosting taste too great, but after scraping off the top layer we all enjoyed some cake. A few present later and the girls played in peace and happiness for the rest of the evening. What a great day! Happy Birthday Hannah!!

On Hannah's actual birthday, per her request, I took pink cupcakes into her class. They had spent the morning practicing and her classmates belted the birthday song. They all gave her a birthday hug and then Hannah passed out the cupcakes. Faces full of pink frosting followed. Just in case there is any doubt which one she is in the group picture look for the blonde hair. Yup, she's pretty easy to pick out!

And finally for a trip down memory lane, here are some historic Hannah shots. 

September 2005
September 2006
September 2007


Jeanne and CJ said...

Happy Birthday Hannah! Too bad we weren't there to enjoy red cake. After enduring black Batman frosting red sounds yummy!

Kelley said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet Hannah! Isn't that aquarium amazing?!! I can't wait to take our kids sometime. It looks like you had a wonderful day celebrating your girl.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I love her smile. I am totally impressed by the cake too!

Ryan said...

I love that Rocket cake! And those pink cupcakes look scrumptious, too!