Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Madeline: 6 Months

It is hard to believe Madeline is already 6 months old! In some ways I feel like the first six months of her life have passes so much quicker than the older girls. It is hard to believe she is not a tiny newborn anymore! After quite a crazy summer of traveling and lack of routines, Madeline seems very settled and content with our new home and her evolving normal schedule. She is sleeping through the night with at least 2-3 decent naps during the day. The real defining word for this month for Maddie is solids-- this girl loves to eat!

This month Madeline:
- Rolls like a fiend
- Is starting be able to sit up for small increments of time un-assisted
- Hates being left alone
- Loves solids- pears and apples being her favorites
- Doesn't love peas- at all
- Still wearing 3-6 month clothing
- Smiles, laughs, gets excited to see us 
- Loves looking in the mirror at herself
- Laughs hysterically at her sisters- especially Emily
- Loves nursing, being cuddled, and held
- Loves music


Cheech said...

My, my. What an accomplishment, way to go, Maddie!

Anonymous said...

I love the feet pictures you do each month. Such a good idea. I'll have to do something like that with my next one.

Maddie is such an adorable and happy baby! I love all that hair and those big eyes!