Saturday, October 18, 2008

Busan Fireworks Festival

Once a year the city of Busan puts on an amazing fireworks display over the Gwangan Bridge. The festival runs for two nights and is a "Must See" in Busan. Tyler got some VIP tickets through work and so we decided to spend the first evening watching from near our house with the girls. The second night we left he girls with a sitter and crossed the bridge (along with half the city) to watch the fireworks from the Gwangan-ri beach. 

Friday night's show was pretty impressive. We had some visitors in town from church in Daegu and we all enjoyed watching the show on the horizon. Thanks for the visit Brian and Brother and Sister Egbert!

Saturday we left the girls with a high school aged girl from their school and started off for the fireworks. We started out in a cab and didn't get far before the roads were closed off. So we ended up walking the rest of the way in. The closer we got to the beach, the more crowded it became. At a few points it was packed, body-to-body. We were literally pressed up against thousands of people just shuffling along. Good thing we aren't claustrophobic! We finally got to the VIP section which was blissfully not as crowded. The show was AMAZING! We have watching some pretty impressive fireworks in our time. I felt I had experienced the pinnacle of all fireworks laying on the grass on the banks of the Potomac watching the fireworks explode over the National Mall. I love DC, but DC had nothing on Busan tonight! The show was beyond words. It was a 45 minute non-stop display of the best fireworks I have ever seen. The show was combination of music, lasers, and fireworks all set against the backdrop of the bridge. It was seriously amazing. 

After the show it took us a good hour and a half to get home, but it was so worth it! I think we will be doing this again next year. But we will go ahead and leave the kids home, the bone crushing crowds probably won't do it for the girls!


Cheech said...

Great job on the firework pictures, Jen!

Jeanne and CJ said...

I love fireworks! I miss those the most when I live in the US.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Those fireworks looks great! How fun to have a date, too!