Friday, November 7, 2008

Madeline: 8 Months

At 8 months Madeline's personality is really beginning to shine. She is hands down my happiest baby. When she smiles, her entire body smiles. She babbles, she grins, she laughs. She is a happy, smiley baby. She really only cries for two reasons: hunger or exhaustion. She loves to cuddle, and she loves her big sisters. Emily can get her laughing harder than anyone, and she joys in doing so!

We took her back for her weight check and discovered that she had gone from 12 lbs 9 oz last month to 15 lbs 9 oz this month! We consider a three pound weight gain in one month quite impressive! Needless to say the doctor is no longer worried. She is still on the small end of the growth charts, but so were her sisters! She loves to eat- both nursing and solids. 

At 8 Months Madeline:
- LOVES to eat: yogurt, fruit, pumpkin pancakes
- LOVES to nurse
- Has gained a lot of mobility, though not crawling yet
- Enjoys playing surrounded by her sisters
- Has two front bottom teeth
- Loves talking to her own reflection
- Naps and sleeps well (so lucky!!)

I love this baby and have such a hard time believing how big she is getting. The last 8 months have flown, I wish she would slow down a little and let me enjoy her being small!

1 comment:

Jeanne and CJ said...

Wow! She has changed so much! Not a little baby anymore.