Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Lights

For Family Home Evening tonight we bundled up (everyone except Hannah who surely must be half Eskimo. Seriously. She won't wear a coat. Or gloves. Or clothes half the time. Yet somehow she doesn't seem to get that cold) and headed out to check out the smattering of lights around our neighborhood. 

Obviously it was nothing like suburbia back home, but we live in high rises, need I say more? Several of the complexes had decorated the area out in front with small white lights though. We walked a few blocks and enjoyed the lights before the wind really started to cut through the coats. The girls loved it. Then we went home and had hot chocolate. Except Hannah. She had hot apple juice. That girl marches to her own drummer. 

Is this not the cutest baby polar bear ever? The girls have taken to calling her baby Poby (polar bear from Pororo) when she wears it.

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