Saturday, December 20, 2008

Daegu Branch Christmas Party

Just about the only downside of living in Busan has been the long drive we have to make to reach an English speaking congregation of our church. There used to be one in Busan, but after Camp Hialeah closed last year there just weren't enough English speakers down here to sustain a branch. So our options are attend a Korean Ward, all in Korean, or drive about two hours one way to Daegu where there is small English speaking branch. Really wanting to make sure our kids have a good church experience we decided early on that we would just make the drive every week to make sure they had a good Primary program to attend. And honestly it's not too bad, it is a drive, but the kids listen to music or books on tape and seem to enjoy it. 

The distance, though, does make it difficult to participate in activities that aren't on Sundays. Our branch Christmas party fell on the day we came back from Seoul and so we were excited to stop in Daegu and celebrate with our church friends. We enjoyed soup and rolls, and tons of activities for the kids. We might be small, but it is a great branch we love being part of!

Yup, more sugar and red-dye. Just what she needed!

Decorating sugar cookies.

She's almost attained the correct cookie-candy-sprinkle ratio. Still some white to work with, though if you look carefully. 

The perfected Santa pose. I think this was the 3rd sit of the season.

Giddy with excitement. And sugar. And red dye. 

1 comment:

maryirene said...

wow! 2 hours one way. you know, even though our church is only 15 min. away and i have no idea what it would be like to be in your shoes, i can imagine why you would drive that far. being away from home here in ny our ward becomes family. if it was 2 hours away i would do it too i think.