Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Madeline: 10 Months

With her birthday this month Madeline has officially entered the double digits, which is feeling precariously close to one. She is looking more and more like a big girl and less and less like an infant. I am both excited by her growth and development and a bit sad at her newfound independence. She's growing up so fast!

At her 9 month checkup (which came one month late) Madeline weighed in at 17 lbs. 9 oz and is 28 inches long, which is about 45% for height and 15% for weight. She might be a little one, but she can pack away the food with the best of them!

At 10 months Madeline:
- Is completely mobile. She crawls everywhere and is getting into everything.
- Is perfectly content for long periods of time on the floor playing.
- Is nursing twice a day.
- Is still napping 2 hours twice a day and sleeping all night.
- Had another hair cut (that baby fuzz was getting a little hard to tame!)
- Says mama and dada and many other words that must have meaning to her!
- Loves to point, touch, and talk to people.
- Loves when Emily gets home from school
- Eats everything: strawberries, grapes, chicken noodle soup, yogurt, cottage cheese, cereal
- Eats a LOT of everything! One dinner she ate about $5 worth of strawberries. . . .
- Loves to cuddle and hug- gives sweet pats on the back when she gets picked up
- Still sucks her thumb- which is quite endearing
- Waves hello and good-bye with glee


stephasauri said...

Oh my goodness! Those feet are so so precious! I love all the pictures on the cute little chair. That green and brown dress is absolutely adorable! She is such a little lady! I can't believe she had another haircut!

imaya said...

WOW, what great pictures. They look so professional. Maddi is such a beautiful baby. I am in shock that she has had two hair cuts already.

Tamara said...

She's beautiful! Her eyes are AMAZING! Your girls are all very cute!

The Cruzers said...

Jenn, I only thought I was technologically capable. We would bring up your page and saw no new blog entries. Dumb us, we were stuck on the one entry. Anyhow, great pics! You've got some talent with that camera. See you guys tonight -- Chris