Sunday, March 8, 2009

Project Madeline 12 Months

Madeline's entrance into this world one year ago marked quite a crazy time in our lives. To be frank, getting her into this world proved to be far more of a challenge than we had expected. It took us almost one year of trying before we were finally successful. Lots of different factors, mostly, though, that we simply had to wait for Madeline. 

When I found out I was pregnant I was shocked. We had been trying so long it was almost a surprise to have finally succeeded. We quickly calculated the due date: March 7th. What timing! Living in Barbados I knew I wanted to return to the US to deliver (it is also the State Department recommended protocol for Barbados). This meant at 34 weeks I had to pack up my life, and my girls and head back to the US for an average of 12 weeks. This was a big deal! It was a long time without Tyler- without help with the kids, without having Daddy around to play. Add to this the complication that June 2008 marked the end of our tour in Barbados. What a spring it would become. I would barely have time to return to Barbados before it would be time to leave again. But no complaints- I had the baby I had so hoped for.

Over the next several months I just enjoyed life. I played with my kids, I enjoyed the beach, and I loved more than anything the company that Ryan and her family afforded me. Somehow pregnancy was so much easier with family around. The ultrasounds quickly pointed to a boy (though never clearly enough that I could tell). Three different doctors using three different machines told me it looked "boyish." Plus everyone under the sun was telling it was a boy-- though I honestly think everyone just assumed after two in a row it had to be. So we went with boy. We planned boy- picked boy bedding, I sewed a boy quilt, had a blue baby shower, and we picked a name: Oliver Pax. Somehow though, it never quite settled. In the back of my mind was the quiet nag that I had never actually seen that it was a boy. Tyler thought I was being paranoid. . . 

The end of January found me on a plane with two girls, and one large belly, bound for Houston, Texas where would spend the next three months living with my in-laws, awaiting the arrival of the baby. Tyler could not join us initially but would be there (fingers crossed) with plenty of time before the birth. We arrived and quickly settled into Texas life, which proved to be quite unforgettable. My children quickly made themselves at home, spoiled by grandparents, playing with cousins. Honestly for them life was ideal (minus dad of course). 

I happily headed off to an ultrasound, only to receive the scary word that the baby's brain was measuring off, part was too large. Honestly I did what any pregnant woman would do and panicked (FYI not a good time to google. . . ). For the next two weeks I prayed so much. I prayed and prayed and tried to have faith that the baby would be fine. I felt peaceful, but still terrified at the same time. Two weeks slowly passed and I returned for my ultrasound to be told the brain looked great- no signs of any problem. I think I started crying right there in the ultrasound room. I quickly asked if he could tell me the gender- and he quickly said "of course, it's a girl." I laughed out loud and he was shocked to hear anyone had told me boy. He showed me the picture- clear as day a little girl. Not Oliver by any stretch. . . . 

The girls were thrilled- my mother in law so excited, and Tyler was shocked. And for the first time it all felt right- the baby was healthy and was a girl. I was going to have three girls- and it felt perfect. 

Tyler finally joined us the beginning of March and one very, very cold Texas afternoon sweet Madeline Kate joined the family. And as I held her, I knew she was the one I had been waiting for. She was mine, and she was perfect.

Knowing how crazy the next several months would be I decided to take a monthly picture with Madeline and her bunny the older girls picked out. I am so glad I decided to do this- every month in the midst of all going on, I got to stop and spend time just focusing on this darling baby. I loved watching her grow (and watching my photography improve, too!). Looking back on these photos is a trip down memory lane for me- both of Maddie's first year and of the crazy year we have all had. These pictures take us from Texas, to Barbados, to California, to DC, to Busan. It's been quite a year, but a year I will never, ever forget. 

March 2008, Tomball Texas

April 2008, Houston Texas

May 2008, Barbados

June 2008, Pollock Pines California

July 2008, Arlington Virginia

August 2008, Seoul Korea

September 2008, Busan Korea

October 2008, Busan Korea

November 2008, Busan Korea

December 2008, Busan Korea

January 2009, Busan Korea

February 2009, Busan Korea

March 2009, Busan Korea


Luna said...

cute pictures. It is really fun to see her get bigger than the bunny.

stephasauri said...

I love the bunny comparison! It really shows how much she has grown! I love watching the bunny shrink!

Annie said...

Madeline's story is wild. I knew bits and pieces but after reading this post I really can appreciate the whole process. Somehow having to wait for those precious souls makes their entrance into the family that much more meaningful. You are a superstar for all that you went through with traveling to Texas with all the kids then back to Barbados with the three only to move again a month later. I would have cracked long ago with those conditions.