Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Nursery Class Pictures

Hannah's Nursery class was the youngest group in the school, and started the school year off with only five students! How they have grown (both in stature and class size). By the end of the year they were up to 12 students, even after having lost one little boy to a move to Canada. Just like Emily's class, I wanted to get some individual shots to make into a photo book for Hannah's teacher. The kids were super cute and loved posing!

Hannah's teacher is a young, energetic, American who loves doing yoga with the kids. I think the year was a huge learning experience (her first teaching at this level), but she really did a fantastic job with the kids. Hannah's class spans four countries (USA, Canada, Russia and Sweden), and has the highest concentration of US Government kids (3 of the 12). Three of the kids live in our building, and one of the girls is the daughter of a famous Korean soccer player. It is a loud, energetic group, but is filled with some of the sweetest kids. We're just glad Hannah's no longer known as the class screamer! That, thankfully, was a phase. . . . and like all phases it gradually passed. Though not fast enough for any of us! It's been a great year for Hannah, much thanks to her terrific teacher and great group of classmates! 

Busan Foreign School Nursery 2008-2009














academic poser said...

!! <-- That's for your mad camera skills. Way to rock some pretty kick butt portrait work.

Kelly said...

Sixten? Are you serious?! Sorry if the boy's parents read my comment. I am just scratching my head on that one...