Monday, December 28, 2009

Bexco 2010

With temperatures below frigid and Tyler back at work after what seemed like a long break, I knew I needed to get the kids out of the house for all of our sanity. It's the downside of apartment living, there is nowhere to send them "out" to, no outside spaces to roam, just one small apartment with lots of loud children.

Our adventures took us over to Bexco, which is a huge convention center in Busan. Each year around the holidays with the Korean schools on their long break, they set up at least one activity for children in one of the huge exhibit halls. This year it was a huge room just stuffed full of jump tents, inflatable slides, and such. Pure heaven for the kids.

The older two were instantly enamored. They jumped, they bounced, they slid to their hearts content. Hannah continues to be fearless and would throw herself off of any ledge they allowed her to. Emily, as is the norm, was more caution. And Madeline, as is also the norm, would not leave my leg, where she clung for dear life.
Hannah taking on the bumper boats. Yes, bumper boats inside. Sheer awesome.

Emily getting in on the action.

Hannah really liked the boats!

The next series of pictures illustrates how just brave and fearless my little Hannah is. They had these bungee things set up on trampolines. The kids got all harnessed in and the guys running it started them bouncing, getting them a good 15-20 feet in the air. Emily lasted about one jump and wanted off. Hannah would have spent all day on this if they let her. She laughed and grinned through the entire thing, easily the smallest kid I saw all day on it. This girl loves life!
Loving every moment of it.

Some serious height!

Super excited ready for her second go.

I love the impish grin.

Emily was all over these ball canons.

Proof that we did indeed bring Madeline along. This was the one jump thing she enjoyed, a giant inflatable Twister game. She loved running on it while her sisters bounced around her, naturally resulting in her toppling over in hysterical laughter.

The kids loved it, I loved it. And everyone came home so, so tired. We even stopped for McDonalds on the way home, a true treat for these kids. The three of them sitting lined up on their stools at the little bar in McDonalds was pretty cute!


Luna said...

Looks like a pretty fun trip! It doesn't surprise me everyone was tired! I get kinda tired reading about it!

Jeanne and CJ said...

What a fun thing to have! It is nice to have out of the house activities for the kids.

Laurel C. said...

Wow, I am so jealous! This looks like a ton of fun. If only they made indoor bumper boats for adults! :)