Friday, April 30, 2010

BFS Suyeong Art Show

Emily has had the opportunity this year to be involved in an after-school art club. The club is actually run by Hannah's Pre-K teacher, Ms. Newton, who is fantastically artistic and talented. It has been neat to watch Emily experiment with a variety of mediums, and really make some creative pieces that reflect her and her interests.

As one of their final projects the seven students were asked to create a piece for an art exhibit entitled, "Our School, Our Art." The intention of the show was to create a piece that reflected their experience as international students in Korea, showcasing their individuality. The pieces were on display at the Suyeong Station Art Mediate Space, a neat government funded cultural space in the Suyeong subway station.

The pieces were all different and unique and really painted a vivid picture of the children's experiences as international students. We loved the creativity that was displayed, and the unique opportunity that it afforded these young artists.

The show will run through mid-May, but we joined staff, students, and parents at the opening of the art show for a party.

The girls love riding the subway.

CJ's sculpture of the world. He tagged countries students and staff were from and united them with a string at the Busan Foreign School.

Emily and her work of art.

"A Classroom of Eyes," representing Emily's distinctive characteristic in a classroom of children.

Self portraits. Ms. Newton traced an image of each student, and they then chose colors and painted their images.

Emily and Hidaya.

Emily's self portrait.

Emily and Ms. Newton

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Go Emily! I love that she did the art club. Her piece of work is really cool, too. Did she draw the eyes in the middle? If so, I'm seriously impressed!