Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve Sledding

The one huge disappointment my children have experienced in Korea is the lack of snow. Coming out of Barbados they had images of snowmen, snow angles, and snowball fights swirling around their head. Last year we got one light dusting. This year, nothing. And trust me, it's certainly not due to lack of cold temperatures. We have been sub freezing most of the month of December. We just don't get as much winter time rain/snow here. Seoul has been buried a few good times, but down here we just seem to attract the arctic winds. . . you know the kind that tears right through whatever you are wearing in a milla-second flat.

Knowing of their growing desperation for some snow play, we decided to load them up on New Years Eve and trek out to a ski resort about 40 minutes away. It's all man made snow, of course, but they didn't seem to mind in the least! We went with our friends the Cruz's, and though none of us are skiers, the kids happily spent the (freezing) morning on the sledding hill.

Emily and Hannah loved it. They threw snowballs, made snow angles, even attempted a small snowman out of the very hard packed snow. They trekked up and down the steep hill with their little sled in tow, loving every moment of it. Maddie, not so much. It was cold. It was wet. She got snow in her face. The hill terrified her. So we sat at the bottom. Finally she tolerated a few snow ball tosses, and with that she was ready to go home. So we went back to the car, ate snacks, listened to music and enjoyed the warmth while Tyler and the girls barreled down the hills. I would have enjoyed a little more sledding action, but being pregnant Maddie's reluctance was probably a good thing.

After sledding the two smaller girls instantly fell asleep on the windy road down the mountain. We enjoyed a quiet afternoon, and rounded the day out with our annual New Years Eve game night. We ordered pizza, ate treats, and played board games until everyone was so cranky they had to go to bed. That was at 8:30. Tyler and I barely managed to stay up to catch the fireworks out our window at midnight. Turns out physically tiring days in the snow make it hard to be night owls!
Ready to go!

I'm still not really sure what this was. Right in the locker area they were walking around with this huge snake handing out coupons for something totally not ski related.

The most bundled this child has ever been!

The whole crew of kids.

Emily's very packed snowball.

Enjoying a run.

Best picture ever. I love this girls' eyes. They are seriously unreal pretty. Especially in the right light, they just look like crystals.

More sledding fun.

Snow tolerance.

They found a huge hole and played in it forever. And she ate snow. . . I'm just pretending it was super clean.

Little hot cocoa break. Incidentally, when did my little girl get so mature looking? Yikes!

Snow angel. We used to make sand angels in Barbados, this was a welcomed change!

Some cute snow bunnies.

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