Wednesday, August 27, 2008


We arrived safely in Busan one week ago and are loving being settled into one place! We live in a high rise apartment complex with stunning views of the ocean. We are literally about a five minute walk to one of the top three beaches in Korea. Who knew we would leave Barbados only to live closer to the ocean?! I promise pictures of the apartment soon. . . . like after we finally finish unpacking and cleaning up the piles on the floor. We are on the 21st floor of a 40 story building with beautiful views from every room. We have three bedrooms, a fantastic kitchen and the largest walk in closet we have ever had! Pictures soon, I promise!

The coolest part about where we live is the short walk to the most beautiful jogging spot ever. About five minutes from our house is a small island (though now it is connected to land) with a 1 KM jogging trail around it. The entire time you jog you have stunning views of the ocean. The trail is a padded trail, well lit, and beautifully maintained. There are trees, flowers, ocean, what more could you ask for? Needless to say I have been enjoying jogging in an all new, and very motivated, way. I keep dropping hints about a jogging stroller for my birthday!

The little girls and I walked up there today to take some pictures and look around a little. Hannah loved walking along the boardwalk and seeing the waves wash in.

Our apartment building. We are on the 21st floor.

The best jogging trail ever
Ocean views from the track

A cool statue at the top of the island, quite a steep climb to get up here!


Cheech said...

Wow, sounds like a good deal to me :)

soybeanlover said...

We'll definitely have to visit you guys and that beautiful scenery(and the cute group of girls you have!)

Laurel C. said...

Pusan looks way better than Seoul! Of course, in my opinion, that's not hard to do. :)

We visited Pusan for a weekend when we lived in Seoul. It seemed like a great place to be stationed. It didn't feel as crazy as Seoul did, and it had the beautiul influence of the ocean. Perfect. It sounds like you'll be really happy there. How long will you be there? 2 years? 3 years?

Jennifer said...

Nicole-- we'll take visitors anytime =)

Laurel-- We like it here WAY more than Seoul. Not as crowded, not as polluted, may more beautiful (nice ocean, mountains). No commissary, but I'm willing to drive. We're here 3 years. Yikes! That's the longest we will have been anywhere our entire marriage!

kim said...

That sounds awesome!!!! Yay for being close to the beach--how lucky are you guys to almost always have had a close ocean. Glad you are settled and the jetlag is in the past--doesn't sound fun at all.