Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday Tyler!

Given that Tyler's real birthday was a bust, full of jet lag, grumpiness and a horrible lack of cake, we decided to surprise him with a proper birthday celebration! This celebration was complete with hats, candles, balloons, a real cake and presents. Much better the second time around! We love you Tyler, you are awesome!

Things we love about Tyler:
- He is the best dad EVER
- He is an awesome husband and takes great care of our family
- He makes me laugh
- He laughs at me, even when I am ridiculous
- He willingly changes diapers-- even gross ones
- He loves his entire family
- He makes people feel special
- He is honest
- He is the spiritual leader in our family
- He is super cute (that's the real reason I married him)
- He likes to have fun
- He is a doer-- he likes to go out and do things and explore
- He takes us to way cool parts of the world
- He is good at his job (even when he doesn't think he is)
- He tells me I look great even when I don't think I do
- He wrestles with the kids
- He plays DOG with the kids
- He loves dogs, but is willing to get a cat just because his girls really want one
- He loves being a father to girls-- and doesn't regret not having a son
- He says really funny things when he gets woken up during the night
- He still loves to collect action figures for his desk
- He likes Mr. Potato Head as much as the girls
- He LOVES to play games
- He is fantastic, the best, incredible, and awesome! We love you!!!

1 comment:

Cheech said...

Happy Birthday, Tyler!