Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday Kite Flying

We spent our Saturday running a few hours and enjoying some leisurely strolling along the boardwalk. It was a beautiful day- a slight fall chill in the air. Clear air, slight breeze, beautiful ocean. The errands proved to be only semi-fruitful. Tyler purchased his train tickets for his trip to Seoul next week. I was unable to get a cell phone-- they make it so impossible for foreigners to get plans here. So we will try again- persistence will pay off!!

On the way back to the boardwalk we did find a little hole in the wall Mexican restaurant that I had heard about! Real Mexican food! Worthy of the name Mexican! Food good enough I would eat there if I had found this place in San Diego! Real cheese! Real sour cream! Yup, lots of exclamation points here. Anyone who has lived in Asia can appreciate how truly difficult it is to find Mexican food at all, much less good Mexican food. I was told the owner lived in San Diego for awhile, guess he really studied up on what makes a killer taco. It was just a counter with a few stools and a super small menu but the food was so good. I imagine we will frequent this place. We were told during the summer the line is huge (filled mostly with foreigners). 

We walked home along the boardwalk and enjoyed a kite flying exhibition that was going on. The TreX games are going on and this kite flying was a part of it. Tyler actually went to the opening ceremonies last night (he gets to go to some pretty cool stuff with work). There were huge kites flying, but we were equally impressed by all the families and kids out flying small kits- it was really fun to watch. The ray was my personal favorite, though the huge string of small kites that seemed to touch the heavens was pretty cool as well. We walked, enjoyed the kites, and let the girls slide down this cool piece of functional art that is a slide from the boardwalk to the beach. They love it, and I forgot to take pictures of it. Next time! 

After some kite flying Tyler ran off with Emily to a baseball game (they got VIP seats) and Hannah and I went on a date to a play area and enjoyed some ice cream. Tyler promises an entry on the game, so we'll see! It was quite a Saturday!


Jeanne and CJ said...

You make Korea sound so tempting but then I remember a few minor details and I am doing envying you. I am glad that you guys are having such a good time.

Laurel C. said...

I agree with Jeanne... you do make Korea sound tempting! Maybe it's a Seoul vs. Pusan thing? Maybe Korea wouldn't have seemed so bleak if we'd have found Mexican food like you did! Wow! I am truly amazed... Mexican food in Korea! With dairy products! We really missed that while we were there. (And no, "The Oasis" at DHL did not count!)

Looks like you guys are having fun!

Cheech said...

I like the ray, too, but is that a giant blue teddy bear kite or a balloon?

Torey said...

Hi there! My UCSD Psychology buddy! I can't believe you guys are in Korea now, although I seem to remember that you moved out of the states shortly after you were married - exciting stuff! Glad to hear from you. I'll have to keep checking your blog for updates - the kites are awesome!