Friday, September 12, 2008

Volcanos, Money, and Ice Cream

Our car still isn't here (frankly hasn't even left the US yet) so each day I am taking a taxi to pick Hannah up at school. It is a fun chance to sit on the back seat with her and chat for the 10 minutes it takes us to get home. Today she is quite the typical Hannah form.

Upon noticing the non-smoking sign she commented that you weren't allowed to smoke in the car. I agreed and she responded by saying "Yeah him doesn't want a ballcano in his car." Huh? "Him doesn't want the ballcano to put smoke and lava all over." Ah yes a volcano. She's probably correct. No volcanos allowed in the cab.

After climbing out of the car we were walking holding hands to the small convenience store in our complex in search of an ice cream for Hannah for a week well done. As we walked I said, " I love you Hannah." Without skipping a beat she looked at me sweetly and said "And I love money. Money and ice cream." 


soybeanlover said...

3 year olds are so funny! That is a great sense of humor she has.

Cheech said...

Hannah, you are a riot! I love your smile :)

Kelley said...

great to see that you made it safely and are getting settled in. we are so happy for you and hope your new adventure of living in busan is wonderful. we are seriously considering a move to tokyo and are hoping that you can give us ALL your tips for living abroad. keep in touch-

kim said...

LOL!!! That is too funny!

academic poser said...

I am crying from laughing so hard!!!