Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hiking Mt. Jangsan

Tyler has been wanting to take the kids hiking, so for our first hike we chose Mt. Jangsan which is a short 10 minute drive from our house. We didn't reach the peak (though we came oh-so close!) but it turned into a solid 4 KM, 4 hour hike. The girls were troopers. Emily hiked almost the entire thing herself. And Hannah, our lazy walking girl, walked a ton! We enjoyed the trees, the temple, but agreed our next hike won't be quite so ambitious with three girls in tow. 

Emily trying out a exercise station. These little exercise areas are everywhere here, and are usually filled with people stretching and exercising. We came across several on our hike, and the kids love them!


Cheech said...

Emily! We miss you, look at you, you are so tall!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! You are ambitious!

Mike can't get over how much Emily looks like your younger sister.

Jeanne and CJ said...

Good for you guys! I can't even imagine trying to do that hike with Payton. After 2 minutes he would have been asking if we were done yet.

kim said...

So brave! I'm impressed :) We still haven't done any hiking since having #2.