Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Madeline: 7 Months

At 7 months Madeline continues to have the entire family enchanted. Her smiles are sweet and infectious. Her laugh is enchanting and her babble is engaging. The Koreans are enthralled with her and it is difficult to walk anywhere without Maddie being touched or spoken to. The two common phrases used are "like a doll" and "beautiful." Her happiness is evident, the joy she brings to our family is beyond words.

At her 6 month check up (albeit a month late) Maddie was 26 inches long but a slight 12 lbs 9 oz. With her weight only gaining so slightly from her 4 month check we are now on Operation Chunk, trying to fatten up this thin baby! She is doing great developmentally, but the doctor wanted to see her again in a month to check her weight gain. He suggested some formula supplement, which this baby would have nothing to do with! So instead we are increasing nursing and giving her all the solids she wants (and want she does!). So far it seems to be working. She loves solids, new loves this month include yogurt, mac and cheese, toast, and avocado. She seems right on to me, just small, but of course I am still a little paranoid! Here's hoping for a heavy month.

At 7 months Madeline:
- Is much happier playing on her own on the floor
- LOVES solid foods
- HATES formula (so we gave up, breast is better anyway)
- Rolls, scoots, maneuvers around on her belly
- Sleeps all night and takes 2 solid naps
- Loves to play (i.e. chew on toys)
- Loves sitting in the car between two sisters who entertain
- Sits quite well unsupported
- Giggles, smiles, babbles a ton

She is a happy, delightful baby, loved by her parents, and absolutely adored by her sisters. We love this baby!


Cheech said...

You are right, her smiles IS infectious. Chunk it up, Maddie!

Anonymous said...

I never would have guessed she's tiny. She looks just right in all her solo pictures. I love love love her big eyes!

Maybe it's an excuse for you to eat more treats! Since Eliza is huge, everyone teases me that I just make cream. I say, "Ice cream in, ice cream out!" Give it a try, you can't go wrong :)

Jeanne and CJ said...

She is growing so fast! What a cutie.