Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rainy Day Baking

Today was one of those days. It was rainy, really rainy. And cold. And the girls wok up so happy. They spent the morning before school playing together so well. Collaborating on their games and sharing and playing with a poster for good children. This was how they spent their morning:
It made me want to keep Emily home with us, just to continue enjoying the moment. But I sent her off to school anyway. Bundled her up, gave her her umbrella and put her on the bus. Hannah is only in school three days a week so I have been trying to do cooking with her on one day she is home with me and crafts on the other. I feel like it keeps her busy and me organized and motivated and keep things fun at home. Today she wanted to make chocolate cupcakes. 

So we spent our rainy "stay at home with mom" day baking chocolate cupcakes.

P.S. They were really good. Chocolate Brownie Cupcakes with Mrs. Millman's chocolate frosting. Courtesy of Ryan and Martha Stewart. Yummy!


soybeanlover said...

oh those look delicious!!! I like your activity idea, we may have to start that one of these days.

Anonymous said...

You're such a fun mom! Those cupcakes are making me hungry! Mmmmm

Luna said...

The cupcakes do look good! I have to get back in the habit of cooking!