Friday, October 24, 2008

Down On The Farm

The girls second field trip of the year was to a farm about an hour from school. It was quite an experience for all of us! We started out by getting to cut rice and harvest it. Then we dug for sweet potatos, ate lunch, picked pears and finally had some time for a tractor ride and playing before we headed back home, exhausted. 

It was crazy, crowded and full of other school children who just wanted to touch poor Hannah and feel her hair. She hates being touched and breaks down at the attention. She was so tired by the end of the trip. Lunch thankfully revived her, far away from the crowds. We were sent home with a bag of potatoes and pears which are so delicious. Asian pears are different than US ones- firm like apples and very water filled. I love them and have been snacking on them every since!

I love that the girls are able to experience things like farms half a world away from our native home. I love that the farm is similar to my childhood experiences, yet so distinctly Korean that it makes it unique and special and fun. I love that my girls attend a school that takes them out to experience they amazing country. I love what they learned and experienced. And I loved getting to come home exhausted and curl up with them in front of a movie. All in all it was a fun day!


soybeanlover said...

So that is how they get the rice off the stalks. I always wondered about that.

I love sweet potato season, it is so delicious! The asian pears are great too. I've been wondering what they would taste like with chocolate fondue.

Jeanne and CJ said...

It looks like a blast. I love visiting farms and then coming home to my less work house.

Anonymous said...

Poor Hannah! I can say that it doesn't get any better when you grow up. I had people petting my blonde locks on Guatemalan buses all the time.

What a fun field trip!

Gabriel Fam said...

Looks like you guys are having a great experience in Korea again...a little different from Seoul.
When we went to China with Truman at one point on the Great Wall some of the people were tapping his face with their cameras so he would turn for them to get pictures. After that experience the Koreans did not seem so bad.
Nice to see what your up to.
-Kim Gabriel

Annie said...

What a terrific school! Honestly, that's such a huge blessing to have enriching field trips like that.

Agreed! The Asian pears are to die for here. In addition to Kimchi, we're addicted to the Asian pears.

After reading how Hannah was mauled on this field trip my heart goes out to the poor child. I'm sure she was at her wits end when the same thing happened to her at Geyongju this week. Honestly, what is the deal!!! Thanks again for letting us share in the adventure.