Monday, October 6, 2008

Student of the Month

Emily was chosen as the Student of the Month for her Kindergarten class for the month of September. Her teacher wrote the following about her: "She was chosen based on our school;s social Expected Schoolwide Learning Results (ESLRs). Emily is responsible and shows respect to her teachers and friends. I can partner her with any student for group work, but she can also work independently. She always speaks English and she an listen and understand information. Great job!" 

Great job, indeed! How proud we are of our Emily. She has grown up so much this year and is thriving in school. Way to go Em! To celebrate we had ice cream for desert.


Cheech said...

A BIG congrats for all of you!

Alec's school doesn't have this kind of boost for their students, I should raise this great idea. Congratulations, Emily! Good girl!

Anonymous said...

I love that it says she always speaks English! Is she fluent enough in Korean to have chatting with her classmates in Korean be a problem?

Jeanne and CJ said...

Congratulations Emily! I am glad that she is liking her school so much.