Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Welcome Great Pumpkin

Fall has always been one of my favorite season. I love the crisp air, the cool nights, and the fresh smells. I love apples, pumpkins, and fall baking. I grew up in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains, enjoying Apple Hill, cider, fires in the wood-burning stove, and of course the changing leaves. We spent the first fall of our marriage in Washington D.C. and I was awed and amazed by the leaves. We walked through Prince William National Forest, enjoyed Great Falls, and visited Colonial Williamsburg, all set amongst the fiery reds, bright oranges, and sunshine yellows. That first fall of our marriage has such special memories to me. 

Then something strange happened; we moved across the globe to a small country called East Timor. Just above the equator there suddenly was no fall for me. The temperature never varied. Suddenly fall wasn't quite so exciting anymore. Emily spent the first Halloween of her existence sweating profusely in a tiny Tigger costume we dressed her in. Sweat on Halloween? Wow. So we came up with our ways to mark fall; pumpkin cookies, fall decorations, scented candles, and the unpacking of the Great Pumpkin figures. All of these things helped me to feel fall-ish, even if it was 100 degrees outside.

The next fall landed us in Seoul with the most heavenly Japanese maple in our yard. The red leaves were breathtaking, truly stunning. Our yard filled with the leaves and Emily toddled them, rolled in them, and posed like a doll amongst those beautiful leaves. Fall is Korea was beyond words. The colors were so vibrant. The entire mountain would light up with color. The air grew crisp, and sweet little tricker treaters graced my doorstep. My sweet little Emily went trick or treating for the first time, and the next fall our family grew with the addition of Hannah. I watched Emily frolic in the leaves, our little Sophie dog chasing after her, pouncing and playing.

Fall if Korea was special. And those special memories helped propel me through two fall-less years in Barbados. Sure I loved the beach, and the weather, but I yearned for sweater season. For cute fall clothes for my girls, and for changing leaves, for pumpkins. I wanted chilly weather, and fresh air. So we made do. We broke out the Charlie Brown figures, which quickly became a tradition marking the start of fall. We baked, we made crafts, and we celebrated fall from afar, all the while sweating away in our shorts.

This fall I find myself back in Korea, back in the land of beautiful falls. The air is starting to chill, though I would guess we still have a month of nice weather. I look forward to watching the mountains light up with color, the leaves on the island outside my window change. I look forward to trick or treating with my three girls. But for now, to kick of the season we unpacked Charlie Brown, bought pumpkins, and started baking and crafting. I love this season!


soybeanlover said...

I'm so jealous that you get to go trick or treating! Enjoy the fun change of seasons!

Cheech said...

I'm so glad to see your new posting. More pictures please.

Anonymous said...

Great post! I love the memories, both of the past and those in the making!

Jeanne and CJ said...

You would love the fall colors at our house right now. We have so many leaves falling that it almost likes like red snowflakes.