Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We had a very nice, very low key Christmas around here. Though we missed family, it was nice to spend the quiet holiday together without all the hassles of holiday travel with three kiddos in tow. The kids woke up around 7 very excited for the presents. Santa was quite kind and the girls spent the rest of day playing mercifully nice with one another and their new toys. We lazed around, napped, and then had friends join us for a simple soup and roll dinner. The evening involved much Wii action, allowing Tyler to finally try out some of his spoils. 

The surprise hits of Christmas in terms of gifts were the new American Girl dolls from Nana and Grandpa. They look remarkably like the girls, which tickles them. Even better they come with books. There is nothing better in the world for Emily than a doll with a book. The other surprise hit were the Disney dolls from our friends the Hamiltons. Not only are they princess dolls, they are princess dolls designed for the bath. Hannah opened hers and immediately was stripping off clothes to go take a bath. I literally think they spent an hour and a half playing in the tub after presents were open.

Above all we enjoyed spending the day as a family and enjoying the sweet spirit that this special season brings into our home. Merry Christmas!

The tree: Post Santa

It was a Fancy sort of Christmas for Emily. If you gave girls and haven't read this yet, you really should! They serve as the inspiration for almost daily imaginative play in our house.

Hannah in Hannah-land. What could be better than a new costume and ice cream? For this girl, absolutely nothing!

Madeline thoroughly enjoyed her first Christmas. She loved this one even through the box!

I love my piano!!

Maddie completing a visual inspection of her baby. I think it passed.

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