Monday, December 22, 2008


Meet Pororo The Little Penguin. And his friends. Our girls LOVE this Korean TV show. We have a season of the show in English and both Hannah and Emily are all over it. I mean what's not to love- a curious penguin, a baby dinosaur who thinks said penguin is it's family, a cunning fox, a big 'ol polar bear, a pink beaver, and Emily's favorite the violin playing female penguin. Pororo is everywhere here- on clothing, on school supplies, on plates, cups, spoons, toys, even on toilet seats. 

A traveling exhibit of Pororo came to Busan and I knew we had to go. On opening day in fact. The very hour the doors opened to be specific (which turned out to be inspired, apparently nobody else was crazy enough to be there that early in the bone chilling cold. Empty as can be.) It was seriously awesome- the kids would have stayed all day if I let them. It was like Disneyland with all the cute characters wandering around. There was a sing along, things to play on, even cupcakes to bake.

Pororo, at the sing along. Best part: listening to Emily sing all the songs in English while the characters sang in Korean. Guess I have let her watch this DVD a few times. . . .

Pororo came out to meet us as we entered. Jake was a little excited.

Crong also came out for a visit. Again, Jake, very excited. Very, very excited.

Emily's favorite, Petty. She plays the violin. Very cool.

Maddie wasn't quite sure about the oversized beaver. 

Emily and Susie checking out Pororo's house. Pretty cool. 

Visiting Petty's house. Seriously are these houses cool or what? And so exactly like the cartoon.

With still not enough kids to stay busy Petty joined us for a personal tour of her abode.

Microwave cupcakes. Who knew, actually tasty!

Quite possibly one of the largest ball pits I've seen. And slides right into it. Does it get better?
The jumpy thing. Is it a wave? A cloud? Who knows- very jumpy though. Very cool.


Annie said...

Oh my goodness! If that is there when we get back we are sooo going. Vane is sitting on my lap right now and is about dying with excitement. "Mom, we have to go there! That looks so fun!"

Jennifer said...

It's here through mid-February. So so fun. When do you guys get back?