Friday, December 12, 2008

School Christmas Parties

The kids both had Christmas parties at school to mark the last day of school before the three week break. Hannah's class made clay gingerbread, ate tons of snacks and even had a special visitor. Hannah has been super into Santa this year-- she was so surprised when he arrived in her class. She sat there in awe and just stared as he handed out little gifts to the kids. 

Hannah's Nursery Class. Do you even know how hard it was to get 9 3 year olds sitting still for this picture. WOW! It might have had something to do with the mass consumption of sugar that had just occurred. . . 
Maddie trying to steal a mandarin. She loves these little oranges!
Santa making his appearance in Nursery.
Santa also made a stop into the Kindergarten. These kiddos are sharp! They all wanted to know if it was really Santa; their teacher said it was. They wanted to know where he landed the sled sans the snow. Then they fixated on his converse and wanted to know where the blacks boots were. Smart, smart kids!!
The girls are so lucky to have great classes and teachers. So fun for them!

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