Sunday, December 7, 2008

Madeline: 9 Months

It is so hard to believe Maddie is already 9 months old! This child's infancy has flown by, and I am faced with sadness that she is not longer a little baby! It has been quite a month of growth and firsts for this perpetually happy little girl. She continues to have such a happy, personable personality. She loves people, loves to babble and laugh. She's an absolute doll!

At 9 Months Madeline:
- Loves to eat: pumpkin pancakes, chicken, toast, quesadillas, you name it, she will try it!
- Is nursing 2-3 times a day
- Started crawling, now crawls everywhere
- Crawls using her feet to propel her forward, pulling herself forward army-style
- Loves to play, is happy to crawl around playing on her own
- Had her first haircut
- Loves to sleep- both at night and two naps a day
- Loves her daddy, mommy and sisters!
- Loves talking to people, which the Koreans love
- Says da-da with meaning
- Gets so excited when Tyler comes home each day!

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