Saturday, February 28, 2009

In Search of Saturday Sunshine

With weather just warm enough to taunt us into thinking spring was a mere corner away, we headed out in search of a sunny spot to spend our morning playing. Requests for a particular playground were made, "the boat playground" and we found ourselves basking in the sun for the morning here:

One of the things I have most loved about returning to Korea (at least in contrast to Barbados) is the abundance of playgrounds and play areas that surround us. Each apartment complex has a playground of varying size; stores have play structures, ball pits, etc. to entertain children. There are even numerous businesses "Kids Cafes" set up with huge indoor playgrounds, dress up corners, toys, etc. to fill cold and rainy days. For a mother of three small children, returning here has been a virtual paradise of activities to fill my children's days. We spend our days off hopping between playgrounds, visiting the aquarium, and sliding at the beach. 

The water inspires my children to regress to typical childhood favorites, namely attempts to skip rocks. The only problem with this is the water (aka apartment complex fountains) aren't quite the same as mountain streams or small ponds. . . . not the best set up for rock hurdling little ones. Sometime we will take them to a body of water larger than a swimming pool and let them toss to their hearts content.

This one is growing up way too fast. She loves to do all things the big girls do. Including the slide. She wanted to spend our entire sunny outing being lifted to the top of the slide and released belly side down. The joy, the excitement, the thrill of the slide was all over her face.

We swung, we slid, we chased, we played pirates, we threw stones. We enjoyed the sun, and we enjoyed spending a beautiful Saturday as a family. 

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