Thursday, February 26, 2009


Sports in Korea are really so much less-emphasized than in the US. There are no little league games, pee-wee soccer, swim teams, etc. The kids all try their hand at various games during P.E., but even at the high school level sporting programs are almost non-existent. It's largely because of the huge emphasis on academics and the amount of time parents want their children devoting to studying. Not only is school extremely academic and intense, most Korean student spend several additional hours a day at hagwons- specializied private schools that operate after normal school hours have ended for the day. Hagwons commonly focus on English language but can cover any manner of subjects- science, literature, foreign language, etc. It is almost unheard of for students to not attend the hagwons, and to really be considered competitive for college, more is best seems to be the attitude. The amount of time young students study is unreal. As a result, sports are really quite overlooked.

Emily's school does have an elementary soccer club, which is fantastic. It is ultra-low key, non-competitive. The kids have fun chasing the ball up and down the field, taking turns trying to score a goal. There are no games or competitions, it really is just for fun. Emily has started attending each week and seems to enjoy it. I enjoy watching her get involved in something and learn some new skills. Hannah likes to watch, root Emily on, and enjoy playing with the occasional ball she finds on the side-lines!

The girls standing in front of their school, Busan Foreign School. We seriously love this school. The teachers and staff are phenomenal. The classes are small and I love that my kids have made so many friends from all over the world! 


Kelly said...

Hey Jennifer! Thanks for your comment on my blog today. I had no idea you were keeping up with me. I totally understand not commenting. I do a lot of looking/reading and not having anything good to say about that myself. Stop by anytime- comment or not.

Annie said...

Do they play soccer with a basketball?!!! :)
That school looks terrific. What a blessing to have such a great resource there in Busan.
It was so good to have you over for dinner on Sunday. We love you guys.