Saturday, February 7, 2009

Madeline: 11 Months

This was a busy month for little Madeline! She has grown so much in the last few months into a curious, energetic, passionate little girl. She loves to explore and investigate things. And she loves to play with her sisters, to be one of the big girls. Madeline is becoming very tactile and loves to touch everything. She enjoys playing with anything she can get her hands on- the phone, the TV remotes, her sisters toys, CDs, anything within her reach.

Madeline mastered pulling to standing this month, and with this new found skill a whole new world has emerged. A world filled with coffee tables and end tables ladened with toys, a cupboard filled with DVDs, a shelf of CDs, a drawer full of children's cups and plates. When she wakes from her nap, I often find her standing against the crib, grinning, waiting for someone to come and pick her up. She's quite proud of her abilities and is quick to dismantle everything in her path!

At 11 months Madeline:
- Crawls and cruises everywhere and gets into everything
- Pulls up on everything- loves standing
- Loves to play with her sisters
- Nurses once a day at bed- and only does that to humor Mama
- Naps 1-2 times a day for 3-4 hours total. Such a great napper!
- Has four teeth- front two on top and bottom
- Loves to "talk" to people
- Loves to wave
- Is quite demanding if she runs out of food- if she's hungry you know it!
- LOVES LOVES LOVES strawberries. And most other foods, but really it's all about the berries
- Loves her blanket, won't sleep without it
- Enjoys playing in her crib with her toys and books after waking up
- Has mastered peek-a-boo and will initiate at will
- Likes to read books just before bed, and tries to touch everything on the page

It's hard to imagine that next post like this will officially mark one year of Madeline! She's the sweetest baby and we adore her!


Ryan said...

I love strawberries, too, Madeline. (Oh how I miss strawberries!)

I can't believe she is getting so big! I wish I could squeeze her!

stephasauri said...

She is adorable! I love her little top teeth. She always has the cutest little dresses too! How wonderful that she's a good napper!

The bunny comparison really shows how big she has gotten!