Saturday, February 7, 2009


On an unusually warm Saturday (by February standards at least) we decided to take the kids on a short hike to Pokposa- or the waterfall temple. After the rainy season there is a creak that flows through the temple with little waterfalls. Being dry season we were left to imagine the waterfalls. . . .  guess we'll just have to go back!

After our last hike last fall with the girls (you know the one where we got lost and ended up hiking like 4K over super rough terrain with three small kiddos), we decided to break in the spring with a shorter hike. We started at Daechon Park, about five minutes from our house. The park itself has a pretty reservoir, some neat sculptures, and a great playground that occupied our time after the hike. Busan has so many neat places to play and hike, we love it here!

Our destination on this hike was Pokposa, a small little temple nestled in the trees. As we hiked we passed numerous dogs, so many so that Emily kept joking it was take your dog hiking day. I need to mention that Koreans do not just take their dog hiking- they take their dog hiking in hiking clothes. Shirts, sweaters, little pants with holes cut out for the nether regions. Even shoes. Yes shoes. Hannah and I one day even came across a dog wearing a ballet tutu and shoes. I was horrified, she of course wanted to take it home. 

Anyway it turned into a very nice 3K hike, just right for our family. Hannah even hiked most of it on her own. We spotted tons of picnic spots on the way down, now all we need is some nice picnic weather! The temple was very pretty, and quite deserted. We even enjoyed a hot chocolate before hiking back down.

Exploring Daechon Park

Maddie enjoying the new stroller. I love it, too!

Example of aforementioned dog. Note the stylish digs. 

Neat Buddha sculpture with little ones climbing all over him.

Traditional temple painting. I love the colors of the temple- so vivid.

The girls playing in a phone booth. I hadn't realized that my girls had never seen one of these. They were fascinated! 

1 comment:

stephasauri said...

I love that you do so many neat cultural things while you live in cool place! Looks like everyone had a great time!