Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chest Fly

So as many of you might know, I have an impossible time loosing baby weight. So impossible I am still carrying weight from each of my babies. I'm not really sure how it happens- I always gain the lower end of the recommended weight, but can't seem to shed a pound after the first month or so post-partum. It's so frustrating for me! Determined to not have this trend continue, I have been working out extremely diligently. At least once a day, every day (excluding Sunday of course). I jog three days a week, and recently accomplished a goal: I jogged 5K pushing the jogging stroller (if you haven't tried jogging with a stroller, trust me it adds some serious challenge to your workout!). I was determined to be back into shape enough to do this before Madeline turned one, and I did it! I also do a circuit training workout including cardio, weights, and abs about five times a week. I'm seeing results in my body, even if I'm not watching the pounds fall off. With luck that too shall come.

The result of all of this is my kids see me exercise a ton. The baby jogs with me. Hannah commonly sees me on the treadmill on her "stay home with mommy days" and sweet Madeline has spent many a morning crawling around while I do my circuits. The result? Kids that know exactly what to do with exercise equipment. Case and point: Madeline's chest fly.

Relaxing between sets.

Good form!

The end of workout snack. . . .  or does that defeat the purpose?

As an aside, for those of you worried about the well being of my baby lifting weights above her head, rest assured they are quite light 1 lb. weights. She found them, crawled them over to my yoga mat and proceeded to show me the chest fly all on her own. At the end she clapped proudly. Should I be horrified my 11 month old knows exactly how to do this or proud that I am setting a good example? Either way, she's pretty cute!


soybeanlover said...

Wow, she has it down! That is awesome!

Ryan said...

Proud! You should definitely be proud!

academic poser said...

That is pretty darn cute. I'd vote proud.

kim said...

That's so great! Apparently my kids don't see quite enough of it--they know the equipment is for exercising, but they have very interesting interpretations of how its all used :)

I miss working out with you. I just cannot get excited about weights on my own. I can run 6 miles quite happily, but make me do a stregth training video more than once a week and I just want to scream!

imaya said...

You are seriously awesome. A 5K with a stroller is like a half marathon without. I just started being diligent with running and believe me I know how HARD pushing a jogging stroller is.

Not horrified, just super proud that your child is that smart and that cute.

BTW have you checked with your OB about the baby weight being hormonal? I had a hormonal thing with progesterone levels that kept me from loosing the baby weight (seriously, the weight just wouldn't budge).Once that was fixed the weight went away.


stephasauri said...

I love this post!

Kayla said...

Jen -- I think it's great that your kids see you work out and work so hard at being healthy. if anything, you're teaching them valuable lessons that we need to work our bodies to be strong and healthy. I'm so paranoid about my girls and the possibility (likliehood) of them having body image we need to set good examples.

I'm currently in that struggle to lose my baby weight, it sure is HARD. Alot of mine is tied to breastfeeding and won't budge until I wean. But, I need to be more like you and work harder at it. Way to go!