Sunday, March 7, 2010

Madeline: 2 Years Old

It is so hard for me to believe my "baby" is two! In all honesty there is not an ounce of baby left in this precocious little girl. And though it's a bit sad to not have the baby anymore, we are loving the big girl she is growing up to be!

Madeline is an absolute sweetheart. She is such a loving, cuddly little girl. And a mama's girl thorough and through, though she has really warmed up to her daddy in recent months. She hates being away from mom, and when tired or sad really only wants mom. And her blanket. Let's not forget her precious "baby" as she calls it. With her thumb in her mouth and her blanket nearby she is happy.

Her nicknames run rampant from the normal Maddie, or Kate to the improvised Maddie-Cakes, Cakey, Cakearoni, etc. This poor little girls endures quite a round of made up names!

Maddie's language has really exploded over the last month or two. She says so many words, and tries to say just about anything we prompt her with. Emily and Hannah she still refers to as "sissies" and herself as "Cakey." While on vacation she announced she had a cat at home named "Cuppy Meow-Meow" (Buttercup). We're amazed by her language, and by her willingness to try and to create her own versions of things she can't quite say yet. My personal recent favorites are her yelling "coming" in the sweetest little voice when I call her name, and her intently looking at me after she says something and saying, "K, Mama? K?" She also likes to look at herself in the mirror after getting dressed and exclaim, "Cute!"

Maddie is quite the little artist. She loves to draw, with swirls being her current favorite. She also loves to draw in books, on her legs, arms, the floor, on dolls, basically on anything that cannot defend itself. She also loves more in depth art or craft projects. She loves creating things, and is getting more and more independent. And she can singlehandedly dismantle our art cupboard in about two seconds flat.

Maddie's real love in life is babies, both real and the play variety. She gravitates towards strollers or babies when we are out and about, and is amazingly gently. At home she often spends the whole day toting around a baby doll. She will take her on stroller rides, give bottles, and dress and redress to her hearts content. She recently named her favorite baby doll Kate. Her other love in life is Dora, which she would watch for hours on end if allowed (which she is not. . . unless the sitatuion is quite dire). She could care less about any Dora toys, but loves to watch the show, naming off all the characters as they come, including "Oh Man!" for Swiper the fox.

Madeline has a great imagination, and loves to play on her own. She loves when her sisters go off to school and she has run of the toys, but she equally looks forward to their return and her plunging herself into any game they are playing. She loves to be one of the big girls, and be included in the creative play that often fills our home. She has even been getting into dress up lately, with a little help from her sisters.

At her two year old check up Maddie weighed in at 28.6 lbs and 35 inches (80th percentile across the board). She's healthy and doing great, and remarkably only needed one shot, which is good because she HATES the doctors office! We have the nicest pediatrician I have ever met and she is terrified of him!

The attention she commands when we are out and about is amazing. People stop dead in their tracks to talk to her, to hand her candy, to touch her cheeks or take pictures with her. She tolerates it amazingly well and often greets everyone with an "Anyang" (hello in Korean) which always elicits huge gasps of delight. She seems to charm just about every Korean in sight! They love and fascination here for Western children never ceases to amaze me. . . . seriously if I had $1 for every cell phone picture taken of this child, her college education would be practically paid for by now!

We're well on our way with potty training, and the big girl bed switch is just around the corner. Looks like we are getting all set to make this big girl and big sister! And what a great big sister she will be!

She is the apple of all of our eye, we all love our sweet Maddie!
It's hard to believe two years ago this bunny was the same size she was!

"I TWO Mama!"

With some of her absolute favorites: her thumb, her blanket and her baby.

"I get you!"

These eyes seriously kill me!


stephasauri said...

Maddie is darling! And her eyes are gorgeous! She really is getting so big! I love the bunny picture. It's great for a comparison.

soybeanlover said...

She is so darling! They grow up so fast. You guys make beautiful children.

Jeanne and CJ said...

What a fun little girl! I bet she really keeps you on your toys.