Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March Comes in Like a Lion. . . . .

The jury is still out on how the month will end, but this is how we woke up this morning:

Snow falling over the ocean. Seriously, it doesn't get much more beautiful than this! So quiet. . . so serene. It was seriously beautiful.

By the morning there was a light accumulation (emphasis on the light here), but for Busan, where it never snows, this was quite impressive.

After living in Barbados my girls have been dreaming of snow days. I do believe a few prayers have even been offered in attempts to elicit a little of the white stuff to play in. Finally prayers were answered, and the snow arrived. School was cancelled. . . and though this seems semi-ridiculous given the lack of snow pack, if you have driven in Korea it makes perfect sense! As soon as the girls rolled out of bed they were dying to go play. So we got dressed and headed for the playground behind our apartment.

Too excited to stand still for pictures.

We made snow angels.

We threw snow balls.

And when our fingers were so frozen (it was seriously in the teens) that Maddie was crying in pain, while exclaiming "Hand cold! Hand owwwww!" we retreated back inside for hot cocoa and a little movie while the snow kept falling. I think it might have been one of the best mornings of my girls life.

1 comment:

Jeanne and CJ said...

I'll trade you our snow days for yours. Although my kids won't.