Saturday, October 18, 2008

Haeyongdonggung Temple

One of the things I was most excited about when we found out we were coming back to Korea was the temples. I love visiting the Buddhist temples that dot this country. They are so beautiful, so simple, so calm and spiritual feeling. Some of my favorite memories of Korea from our last posting here involve the beautiful temples.

Today we went to visit the Haeyongdonggung Temple. This beautiful temple is carved right into the side of the cliff above the ocean, honestly breathtaking. I had a lot of fun taking pictures. Here are some of more "artistic ones" of the temple itself. 

I also had fun taking pictures of my girls, who were being particularly charming and willing to pose for me today!


Cheech said...

Wow Budha's belly has been rubbed quite a lot.

The kids are sooo photogenic!

Anonymous said...

I love the photo of Hannah cradling her doll.

CheaYee said...

Hi hi... lovely pics..

Found ur blog from Google.. well, it is under gyeonju/ busan tags anyways.

Was searching on the internet, as I am heading to Korea for hols. So, ya.